October 12, 2009

George Carlin- Religious People

Maybe it's just me, but I believe Carlin's best work was done while discussing religion. Any time the subject of religion is ever bought up, this sound clip should always be referenced.



  1. WHO IS THE WEB-MASTER?!?... i have to know

  2. Guy, are you a sun worshiper?

  3. What would you consider yourself?

  4. Interesting... so if you don't believe God or gods exist, what do you believe in? If you don't mind me asking.

  5. After death, I don't believe in anything. Simply that when a person dies, they no longer exist in any form.
    Personally, I feel spirituality and religion are only existent due to our flawed nature as humans. It's in our nature to fear death, and an easy way to curtail that fear is to create an utopia upon death that rewards good behavior and punishes bad behavior.
    What proof is there for anything like that asides from our innate survival instincts?

  6. I had never thought of it that way, but besides focusing on fear of death and the after life, haven't you every just wanted something to believe in and maybe talk/pray to when it seems like you can't trust anyone else, like nothing on earth is worth it... just something/someone that is always going to be there.



Ill Cuts © 2008. Chaotic Soul :: Converted by Randomness