October 21, 2009

Scientifik- Lawtown

I listened to Criminal in the first time for a few years, and it's a much better auditory experience than The Most Blunted. The production on Criminal is breathtaking, like on this jawn, produced by ED OG. Scientifik drops some dopeness too, especially for a Mass. resident. Who knew the 'Chussets had dope rhymers? I kid.



  1. i luv dis album,such a slept on classic, i got a bunch of unreleased rare shit if u want it, r.i.p. scientifik. proud to say he was from my city.

  2. Yeah, I've been looking for some of Scientifik's rare shits, a hook up would be appreciated.



Ill Cuts © 2008. Chaotic Soul :: Converted by Randomness