March 26, 2010

3rd Bass-The Gas Face

The first time I heard 3rd Bass' The Cactus Cee/D, I was surprised that such a weak album could be created by a 'classic' group. Shit's definitely grown on me since then, although I still can't honestly say that 3rd Bass' debut effort is worth an honest listen. There are some enjoyable jawns though, The Gas Face being the premier example.
When you watch the video, note how Serch voices a 'scathing' criticism towards Jewish A&R's who get rappers to 'sign their lives away on a contract'. Ironic how Serch became one of these Jewish A&R's later on in his career. Funny how life works.


  1. A weak album? You must have heard this album many years after it was released. The album was dope as hell back in day and even today has many great joints on it. Triple Stage Darkness is classic Hip Hop. I don't remember any heads not feeling this album when it was released. It's still great album in my book.

  2. Truth be told, I first heard this album five years back, so it didn't have the same magnitude as if I heard it back in '89. Still, when compared to Derelicts of Dialect, I'd still say 3rd Bass' first CD is pretty weak.



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