March 19, 2010

Skee-Lo: I Wish

I hadn't heard of this jawn up until a few weeks back when my Biology teaching assistant put me onto it, ain't that some shit? Apparently Skee-Lo introduced the word 'baller' on I Wish, and as such I imagine Lil' Flip and Jim Jones are paying dude some serious royalty checks.
To be honest, this jawn ain't that much as far as lyricism or production goes, just a light-hearted Cali ode to little man's syndrome.


  1. One hit wonder with a perfect summer barbecue song. This and Ahmad's "Back in the Day" go hand in hand when the weather is warm and you're riding.

  2. Agreed, Skee-Lo sounds almost identical to Ahmad.



Ill Cuts © 2008. Chaotic Soul :: Converted by Randomness