March 17, 2010

J.A.M.E.S. Watts-Wish You Were Here

James Watts is my dude, one of the few real blog rappers worth respecting. I don't know what dukes has been up to as of late, but back in '08 he got a little buzz for these two minute freestyles, where he showcased how clever he was off the top, and how he could flow to any instrumental. From there, I copped some compilation tape, and found Wish You Were Here. It's some real heartfelt and truthful storytelling on the part of James, and a poignant instrumental that really captures every word. He even got Rik Cordero to direct the video. Surprising that this jawn didn't amount to more, it should have.

At one point, me and James were writing back-and-forth, and I asked him if he'd be willing to expand a little on the characters represented in the song. Below is his answer:

"Wish You Were Here" actually is based around three ideas, each being represented in a verse. The first verse talks about the decision I made to pursue music -- obviously, it's something I love, so this verse served as a message to people who have particular passions but are hesitant to follow them. I'm saying, more or less, that I wish more people could move themselves into a space where the restrictions of life don't weigh them down from attaining the things that they really want.

The second verse is more literal -- it's about a friend that I lost at age 14 -- he was my best friend at the time, and we were just both going into high school when he passed. That was always a pivotal experience that stuck with me, so I brought it forth on the song.

The last verse was based loosely on a few friends that I have (though I rolled them all up into one character) -- it's about a young man who's been really going through a lot of drama, but despite that, he feels that as long as he's alive, he's okay. The song ends with him telling me "man, I got my health though, so fuckit, I'm fine", and I reply with "I'm there", to say that I'm attempting to live my own life the same way -- that despite hardships, as long as we get up the next morning, there's always a chance to make it better.

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