May 26, 2010

illest Album by A Tribe Called Quest

I'm proud to say that the noble readers of this very publication, elected The Low End Theory as the very illest of all the albums released by the venerable group A Tribe Called Quest. Not surprisingly, it came down to The Low End Theory and Midnight Marauders, and I'll give props to the enlightened gods who voted for a holistic sound rather than a general aesthetic. That said, here are the results of the poll, and below are some choice cuts off the winning album:


Verses From The Abstract

Jazz (We've Got)


  1. No doubt. It's the 3rd best hip-hop album of all time since I picked it up in '91. I'm sure you've seen this already:

  2. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I downloaded that November '91 mag from you at one point.
    I wasn't aware that The Low End Theory was rated a 5 though, I figured 4.5, but there's no question that it deserves the perfect rating.



Ill Cuts © 2008. Chaotic Soul :: Converted by Randomness