September 6, 2009

Fonetiks- Sky Is Falling

I've had this one in the vaults for a good minute now, and it's worth unearthing. From my limited understanding, the Fonetiks are a group from Ottawa, Canada, and released Sky Is Falling back in '04.
First time I heard it, I immediately dismissed it as a cliche backpacker record with solid production. Luckily, I gave it a second listen and fell in love with Sky Is Falling. It's a great indie record that provides a consistent listen front to back. Most importantly, the anti-mainstream tirades are only prevalent on The Product, and the rest is a healthy blend of b-boy'isms and mid-90's samples. That's what I like most about the Fonetiks, you don't know exactly what to expect. These guys go from old Don Cartagena samples to a sound nearly identical to PUTS (People Under The Stairs). It's not a spectacular album by any means, but it's incredibly consistent, which should merit a place in your collection.

Choice Cuts:

Days And Nights

The Product

Sky Is Falling

Where To Cop From:

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