September 18, 2009

Maddox Interview

One of my greatest influences as a human being has been George Ouzounian also known as Maddox from The Best Page In The Universe and his relatively new book The Alphabet of Manliness. The above-mentioned site is well-known across the internets, and easily one of the best free forms of literature available for public consumption online. The book itself is amazing, although I only got in a quick read at Barnes & Noble a few months ago.
Anyway, it was dope when dude agreed to do an quick interview a while back, and he provided some interesting answers to the incredibly generic questions I posed as part of the old FunCrusher Plus.

1. When will we finally see your name on an election ballot?

Probably 2016, when it'll be legal for me to run. Though that hasn't
stopped people from writing me in as a write-in candidate in the past, bless their misanthropic hearts.
2. Has anyone ever confronted you in person over something on the site?
Yes, on my book tour. Generally people are very positive because most people who read my site aren't dipshits (in spite of the impression I give people based on my hatemail section). There was a chick who waited in line for about an hour in Oregon during my book signing to tell me she hated me and my website. I acknowledged her criticism, and asked her if she had anything for me to sign. She didn't, so I moved on to the next person and that was that. I don't what she was expecting, but she came away from the encounter with both ovaries intact, and that's the most anyone who doesn't have a penis can hope for.
3. Do you ever regret creating your site?
Regret is a longing to have done something differently. That's the
dumbest thing I've ever heard of in my life. So, no.
4. Who influenced your writing and satire?
Talk radio primarily. The Don & Mike radio show (now the Mike O'Meara show out of WJFK in DC), Tom Leykis, Phil Hendrie, Howard Stern (but to a lesser extent because he was never syndicated in Utah), and a few others.
5. What's in store for Maddox the author?
I'm working on a manliness themed calendar, and possibly another book. I want to write for film and television, and have done some of the latter, but my forays into TV have thus far been disappointing. There's way too much censorship on television, and way too many hands in the cookie jar. Everyone has an opinion about how a piece should go, and by the time it makes it to the air, every semblance of anything edgy or humorous is usually stripped from the script, so what you get is more bullshit. I'm trying to find a way to circumvent the bullshit in my career.
6. Did you ever think your site would blow up like it did?
7. What are people missing if they haven't yet read "The Alphabet Of
They're missing out on a milestone in literature. Also, hairy knuckles, an increased frequency of intercourse, and a marked improvement to their charisma (as well as a marked decline in hygene). That's what my book does to people. Believe it. Also, it has drawings of boobs.



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