August 23, 2009

Crust and Grimes- Pokemon Tape #1

Speaking for myself, I was a huge Pokemon stan back in the day. I would sneak my Gameboy into class and play when the teacher wasn't looking. I also set up a little hustle where I would trade cards during lunch, and eventually I had all sorts of gems in my collection.
For a while that was a forgotten chapter in my life, until my dukes Crust & Grimes created a Pokemon beat tape. The concept is creating instrumentals that describe the essence of a certain Pokemon through sound. C&G dig deep on this one too, none of that Pikachu and Charzard bullshit, they spotlight dopeness like Geodude, Electrode, Magmar, Spearow, and Vileplume among countless others.
Trust me, this is a beat tape like none you have heard before. Aside from the ill concept, the instrumentals are top-notch. MPC heaven. Choice cuts and the dl link below.




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Ill Cuts © 2008. Chaotic Soul :: Converted by Randomness